Who better than a credit union to create a credit union program?
Who better than a credit union to create a credit union program?
CU Certified was created in Maine with collaboration partners. Down East Credit Union was the first credit union to ask themselves, “Why shouldn’t we enjoy the same benefits auto dealers enjoy when the dealer sells a vehicle service contract?” The question was answered with CU Certified. Auto dealers have been participating in 100% of the underwriting profit on vehicle service contracts for thirty years. CU Certified is not a new program, it is new to our industry. We believe Credit Unions should be able to enjoy those same benefits, so we bring our partners the best idea in a generation for Credit Unions.
Ken has over 10 years of credit union experience working as a loan officer. He brings with him a superior understanding of the credit union and member experience. Ken would tell you his favorite part of the movement is helping members.
Margo has over 10 years of management and customer service experience. She brings her Credit Union experience in the form of managing a collections and recovery team. Margo’s unique perspective paints a clear picture of the stressful financial complications that can occur when a member isn’t aware of or doesn’t take advantage of the member protections that CU Certified has to offer.
Patty has 8 years of credit union and member service experience working as a loan officer. She is passionate about the Credit Union movement and loves serving people with passion.
Tiffany has over 10 years of experience in the banking and credit union industry. She was most recently a loan officer for 5 years at an area credit union, where she was a top performer offering CU Certified. She brings with her an expert knowledge and a unique perspective of the current challenges members and credit unions are facing. She is passionate about helping both members and credit unions overcome these obstacles.